Thursday, September 07, 2006

Serving a Leader of the
Persecuted Church

[Please note: Due to security reasons, some of the information in this article is generalized and somewhat sketchy. The pictures are prepared so as not to compromise the life and ministry of Pastor "Joshua" or his family -- who still remain in an African country.]

This past summer, a missionary friend introduced Brother Joshua (a psuedonym for security reasons) to us. Right from the start we had warm, friendly fellowship together. During our visits together, he shared insights about life in a country controlled by a Marxist and Muslim government.

Converted in the 1960's under a national Christian leader and trained by missionaries at the mission Bible school, he later trained in the university and has tried to use his Christian example to be a witness to others wherever he goes.

In the capital, Brother Joshua has been working with house-churches. During the secret services, songs are sung in whispered tones and testimonies are quietly given as the gathered Christians praise and worship their Savior. Scriptures, sermons, and words of exhortation and encouragement are also shared. Due to the nature and sensitivity of the situation, more information cannot be shared. Certain levels of secrecy must be maintained in a public forum such as this newsletter. Let it be said that the government authorities intend to wipe out Christianity in that country.

Some of his "underground" church people have been imprisoned for various "illegal" activities. Some are currently held in slave-labor camps like we used to read about in the old Soviet Union era. Enough said.

We introduced Brother Joshua to our local Church and made arrangements for him to speak. Hearing first-hand accounts of pressures put on Christians in his country brought the “concept” of the persecuted church closer to home.While in Kansas for a missionary convention, Steve visited the headquarters of The Voice of Martyrs in Bartlesville, OK. There he received helpful information regarding legal contacts for Brother Joshua who desires political asylum for himself as well as his family, which remains in Africa.

Brother Joshua called us recently and indicated he has received his official papers granting him political asylum! Since his papers are received, his next step is to obtain permission to relocate his wife and children here to the US. We now understand a bit more clearly the verse which instructs us to "remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body." (Hebrews 13:3).

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