Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Befriending national leaders is very important. Both friendship and cultural understanding provide foundations necessary in order to effectively minister to these church leaders.

This past summer we endeavored to be a blessing to Belizian Christians from the Crooked Tree Wesleyan Missionary Church at Crooked Tree, Belize. Clarence Gillett and his wife, Winnie, attended Penns Creek Camp. They were accompanied by their leading church musician Eric Lauriano.

During their weeks here, we spent many hours connecting with them and serving them in different ways. Providing meals for them and taking them to stores so they could purchase supplies, clothing, and other things they needed to take back to Belize were part of our ministry to them. The rapport which developed between us was enriching.

For some time, this church and its people have been on our hearts. They are desiring some leadership training and have invited us to travel to Belize to share with them.

This Belizian team enjoyed their stay in central Pennsylvania. While they were with us, we had them share with the congregation of the church we attend. These friends were strengthened in the faith and encouraged to continue working in their hometown among their people. It is so important that quality national Christians shoulder the responsibility of their local churches as they reach out to their own communities within their countries and to the regions beyond.
Presently, the laity of the church are carrying the full load of the local flock there at Crooked Tree. They are requesting people who understand cultural differences to go down and to hold revival services for them. During such times, they are also desiring special training which will help them in their church work.

They are not asking us to be their missionaries for them, they want training so they can do the work more effectively. It is excellent mission practice to train nationals to shoulder the local church responsibilities and also to have a missionary vision for the world!

[l-r: Joy, Winnie, Clarence, Steve, Eric]

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