Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Summer Institute
for Missionary Orientation

The Summer Institute for Missionary Orientation (SíMO) has completed six years of ministry training! It is hard to believe that we have reached such a milestone already. Again this year, the Lord brought together the missionaries He wanted together for this specialized training. [See group picture above.]

Co-founded in 2000 by veteran missionary Leroy Adams and Steve (who is the Director of SíMO), this annual missions training program has addressed issues related to mission life particularly, the missionary attrition rate. As one author wrote, “Missionaries are too valuable to lose.” Thus, we deal with a variety of pertinent issues such as, submission to authority and conflict resolution, interpersonal relationships, cross-cultural ethics, the missionary work ethic, stress management, family issues, music and worship styles, missionary finances, and many other relevant topics.

Over the few years of operating SíMO, we have had forty missionaries and mission leaders in the program. These cross-cultural Christian workers represent about ten holiness mission organizations, plus a few who were not connected with an organization. We continue our steady service to holiness missionaries and their organizations.

New to this year’s training was SíMO for Leaders. Running simultaneously with some of the regular SíMO training, this track focuses on the needs of mission leaders, mission board members, and mission office staff. Although the duration of this training is abbreviated to accommodate leaders’ schedules, the training is intensive addressing specific issues confronting mission leaders.

We are now beginning preliminary preparation for SíMO’07. The dates are June 18-29 for SíMO and June 20-22 for SíMO for Leaders. For more information regarding the SíMO or SíMO for Leaders training and for a list of subjects for this year’s SíMO for Leaders training, contact Steve using the contact information in the header of this newsletter.

Thank you for your prayers for this unique and vital ministry. Your financial support for us helps to make our involvement in this orientation training possible.

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